This app is basically just a set of prerecorded scales. Although the tutorial begins with a "diagnostic," the program neither hears or records ones voice.
After singing through the diagnosis, one plays through a set of prerecorded vocal samples and chooses whichever one seems most like ones own voice. Since there is no recording of the diagnosis there is no way to compare it to the various samples.
The diagnosis is pure sham. I decided that my vocal type is cracking as opposed to say, breathy, but that comes solely from listening to the samples.
When I first read about this app, there was a mention that there was no pitch meter at present but that one would come with an upgrade. That really misled me. Before you can detect pitch, you need the ability to record and play back! Talking about pitch correction is pie in the sky at present.
There are lots of 5 star reviews, but these seem to be from people who want/need only some prerecorded vocal exercises. The only negative review that I saw was someone who said the app should be free. While that is true enough, the review is not helpful since it doesnt say why. My sense is that the app deserves a low rating because it does not in any way do more than a simple tape loop could.
Iowa Fangirl about Voice Tutor